Vacation Packing List
Depending on where you're going, who is going with you (spouse / significant
other / parents / grandparents / friends / kids) you'll want to change this
list. However, if you've ever forgotten anything important and then been faced
with the cost of replacing it while away, that can be a pain. We hope this list
This is a stream-of-consciousness list created by picturing yourself from
head to toe, starting at the top, and figuring what you need accordingly. Here
- Shampoo/hair dryer/comb/brush/hair color/gel/color/etc.
- Pants/ slacks/ belts/ dresses/ skirts/ blouses/ etc.
- Eyeglasses (reading/regular/sun); sun goggles; eye drops; ear wax
- Bathing suits (optional for nudists)
- Undergarments (optional for some folks, you know who you are)
- Q-tips*
- Jeans
- Toothbrush/paste/floss
- Shoes/sneakers/clogs
- Breathe-Right anti-snoring nose strips*
- Prescription & over-the-counter medications (don't forget the
- Shaving apparatus
- Deodorant
- Food snacks for the plane or snack foods you'd die for later
- Desenex*, Cortisone Cream (in case), bug repellant
- Portable radio/Sony Walkman*(never pack valuables in checked
- Deodorant (repeated on purpose)
- Cameras/film (do they still make film?)/video/digital camera batteries
and charger
- Shirts/t-shirts/bedclothes
- Cosmetics/Cologne/Perfume
- Handkerchiefs
- Shorts
- Tickets/Passports/photo IDs
- Sunscreen
- SkyMed* Emergency Medical Evacuation
- Money!
Again, this list tries to be inclusive -- but the best thing to do is start
packing "mentally" a few weeks before to be sure your list is right for
you. Got suggestions for other stuff? Email them to
susan(at) and we'll add them here.
*All trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective
Updated March 8, 2012